Sponge Totem

8 November 2013

Translation as Catastrophe and Vital-Sign

a warm prompt to keep clean
using Item YQA39
Six; nine; three; six-six-six seven
five zero; four five; four one
characteristic bath sponge made in China

Add some shower juice is
it make foam to be abundant
with the branch water, all-over to-wipe,
to wipeaway,
to carry on wiping keep-fit massage to who-le bo-dy
smooth and incomp arabie is

it let skin gloss extraordina-rily of you
happy easily toequal, to,
ofter finishing fineand smooth, andrich
and flexibly, like bud being, generally pleasant experience
high quality sponge self-innovation

a package reverie of
new, valuable and successful developing
shapes of sponge-form